Contact Us
Contact your Dentist in Tijuana
Excellence Dental Service in Tijuana since 1974
Since 1974 Clínica Dental Tijuana has been the dental facility where both California’s, and all the surrounding states residents visit. 90% percent of our patients come from the United States and Canada.
High Quality
Dental Services
The first ones to be certified by the Quality Assurance consultants in the United States and exclusively contracted by ten HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Prepaid Dental Programs.
Our prices are accessible and fair for your needs.
You will probably get all the services you need for 50% or less of what you would pay in the United States.
Excellent Location Tijuana Dentist
“We have our own parking area”
8024 5th St. (Zapata)
Downtown Tijuana, Baja California
México 22000
8024 5th St. (Zapata)
Downtown Tijuana, Baja California
México 22000
Get a Free Quote
Contact Us – Tijuana Dentist
Call us from US
+52 (664) 685-1610
Direct from USA
(619) 734-2112
Monday through Saturday from 9.00am to 6.00pm
Contact Us
Schedule your appointment with your dentist in Tijuana today
Call us from US
+52 (664) 685-1610
Direct from USA
(619) 734-2112
8024 5th St. (Zapata) Downtown
Tijuana, Baja California México 22000
Monday through Saturday
From 9.00am to 6.00pm