Dental Crowns and Bridges
What is a dental bridge?
Dental crowns and bridges are made of metal, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal. The procedure will depend on your unique needs and goals, as well as the recommendation of your dentist.
All ceramic crowns may be made of different materials (free of metal). They create a natural-looking appearance and are typically used on front teeth. Currently, Zirconia stands as the hardest material to be safely used on molars.
Dental Services
The first ones to be certified by the Quality Assurance consultants in the United States and exclusively contracted by ten HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Prepaid Dental Programs.
Dental Crowns and Bridges At Dental Clinic Tijuana
Dental Crowns and Bridges
What are Dental Crowns and Tooth Bridges?
Both crowns and most bridges are fixed prosthetic devices. Unlike removable devices such as dentures, which you can take out and clean daily, crowns and bridges are cemented onto existing teeth or implants, and can only be removed by a dentist.
Bridges are exactly that: a bridge. They cover a gap between existing natural teeth or implants and these adjacent teeth are prepared as crowns with a replacement tooth in the middle attached to cover the gap. You have the same advantages as crowns regarding aesthetics and matching tooth colour.
What’s the difference between a crown, a bridge, and a dental implant?
Dental implants are more expensive, but they come with many advantages like offering a more natural feel compared to bridges and dentures that can sometimes shift or slip in your mouth. Implants don’t usually hamper eating or speaking like some other options can.
Implants do not require that other healthy teeth be drilled and prepared like they do for a bridge.
Our Dental Services
Dental Implants
Dental Implants Procedure. Dentistry has one ultimate goal, functionally and esthetically
Cosmetic Dentistry
We work with all general dentistry areas and with the best specialists in town when need arrives
Porcelain Dental Crowns
Dental crowns and bridges are made of metal, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal.
Dental Bridge
These are fixed in place to take the place of a missing tooth or teeth. It is called a fixed bridge.
We accept most US Dental Insurance’s.
Contact Us
Schedule your appointment with your dentist in Tijuana today
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+52 (664) 685-1610
Direct from USA
(619) 734-2112
8024 5th St. (Zapata) Downtown
Tijuana, Baja California México 22000
Monday through Saturday
From 9.00am to 6.00pm